Tuesday 15 December 2015

Film festival; Local Corruption; & The final elections debate.

LOCAL FILM FESTIVAL: Asking about something at the town's Turismo in Veggie Square the other day, I noticed there was a 3-day festival in progress. But everything was in Gallego/Galego, presumably because the event was getting local funding. I can read the language pretty well, but am not good verbally or aurally. So, saddened, I gave it a miss. I suspect we'll never see the attendee numbers.

LOCAL CORRUPTION: I've touched on this in respect of accusations made against the mayor and the town hall. But now, thanks to my friend Trevor The Singing Organ Player, we have news of court actions being taken against the Chamber of Commerce. Where will it stop? Though they're all still innocent so far, of course.

FINALLY: Don't overlook my other - less locally focused - blog – Thoughtsfrom Galicia

For the Pontevedra English Speaking Society, contact Dylan on 607 803 151 or 986 861 070. Calle Echegaray 16 3D.

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