Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Pubs; Eating in Portugal; Wild boar; & Our flea market.

RUNNING A PUB: My grandparents managed a huge pub – The Wellington – at the Birkenhead entrance to the Mersey Tunnel, not far from the (Everton) pub near Hamilton Square favoured by Os Porcos Bravos. My mother once told me that his main preoccupation was finding out just how the staff – in a cash business – were cheating him. I imagine that things are much the same now.

PORTUGUESE RESTAURANT: For those of you living in Galiza, I recommend the Cristina restaurant in Valença. It's almost the first place you see as you come off the A9 and enter the town.They offer jabali, cabrito and cordero. Sometimes all 3.

JABALIS: As you'll all know, these are wild boars and they regularly cause car crashes here in Galiza. Earlier this week, 3 cars were written off in the latest of these. The jabali died. I wonder who ate him. I wish I had.

THE PONTEVEDRA FLEA MARKET: This has moved from Veggie Square to the street by the market. The blanket-sellers are now illegal, as is the selling of clothes and shoes. This didn't stop some gypsies/Romanians/Romanian gypsies causing trouble last Sunday by taking the pitches of licensed traders. So the police had to evict them. Sorry I missed it.

FINALLY: Don't overlook my other blog – Thoughts from Galicia.

For the Pontevedra English Speaking Society, contact Dylan on 607 803 151or 986 861 070. Calle Echegaray 16 3D.